Make Electronics Learning Through Discovery - Charles Platt (2015), ►Elektronika, ►!!!Ciekawe schematy, ...
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//-->Burn things out, mess things up—that’s how you learn.Make:ElectronicsSecond EditionCharles PlattA HANDS-ONPRIMER FORTHE NEWELECTRONICSENTHUSIASTLearning byDiscoveryTechnology & Engineering/ElectronicsMake:ElectronicsLearning by DiscoveryWant to learn the fundamentals of electronics in a fun, hands-on way?WithMake: Electronics 2nd Edition,you’ll start working on real projectsas soon as you crack open the book. Explore all of the key componentsand essential principles through a series of fascinating experiments. You’llbuild the circuits first,thenlearn the theory behind them!Build working devices,from simple to complexYou’ll start with the basics and thenmove on to more complicated projects.Go from switching circuits to integrat-ed circuits, and from simple alarms toprogrammable microcontrollers.With step-by-step instructions andmore than 500 full-color photographsand illustrations, this book will helpyou use and understand electronicsconcepts and techniques.You will:»»»»»Discover by breaking things: experimentwith components and learn from failure.Set up a tricked-out project space: make awork area at home, equipped with the toolsand parts you’ll need.Learn about key electronic componentsand their functions within a circuit.Create an intrusion alarm, holiday lights,wearable electronic jewelry, audio processors,a reflex tester, and a combination lock.Get clear, easy-to-understand explanationsof what you’re doing and why.New in the 2nd Edition!»Totally new text throughout, withmany new projects and othersrevised and updated.»Smaller, more affordable range ofcomponents.»Now includes coverage of Arduino!Charles Platt’sfirst electronics project was a telephoneanswering machine, which he built when he was 15. Hebecame a science-fiction writer (author ofThe Silicon Man),taught classes in computer graphics, and was a seniorwriter at Wired, but he has retained his lifelong love forhobby electronics. He is currently a contributing editor toMake:magazine.“This is teaching at its best!”—Hans Camenzind, inventor of the 555 timerUS $34.99CAN $40.99ISBN: 978-1-68045-026-2SECOND EDITIONMake: ElectronicsCharles PlattMake: Electronicsby Charles PlattCopyright © 2015 Charles Platt. All rights reserved.Printed in Canada.Published by Maker Media, Inc., 1160 Battery Street East, Suite 125, San Francisco, CA 94111.Maker Media books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also availablefor most titles ( more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department:800-998-9938 JepsonProduction Editor:Nicole ShelbyProofreader:Charles RoumeliotisIndexer:Charles PlattInterior Designer:David FutatoCover Designers:Marc de Vinck and Charles PlattInterior Photographs and Illustrations:Charles PlattSeptember 2015: Second EditionDecember 2009: First EditionRevision History for the Second Edition2015-08-07: First ReleaseSee release details.The Make logo is a registered trademark of Maker Media, Inc.Make: Electronics,the cover image, and related trade dress aretrademarks of Maker Media, Inc.While the publisher and the author have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained inthis work are accurate, the publisher and the author disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limita-tion responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions con-tained in this work is at your own risk. If any code samples or other technology this work contains or describes is subject toopen source licenses or the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof com-plies with such licenses and/or rights.978-1-680-45026-2[TI]DedicationTo readers of the first edition ofMake: Electronicswho contributed many ideas andsuggestions for this second edition. In particular: Jeremy Frank, Russ Sprouse,Darral Teeples, Andrew Shaw, Brian Good, Behram Patel, Brian Smith, Gary White,Tom Malone, Joe Everhart, Don Girvin, Marshall Magee, Albert Qin, Vida John,Mark Jones, Chris Silva, and Warren Smith. Several of them also volunteered toreview the text for errors. Feedback from my readers continues to be an amazingresource.AcknowledgmentsI discovered electronics with my school friends. We were nerds before the wordexisted. Patrick Fagg, Hugh Levinson, Graham Rogers, and John Witty showed mesome of the possibilities.It was Mark Frauenfelder who nudged me back into the habit of making things.Gareth Branwyn facilitatedMake: Electronics,and Brian Jepson enabled the sequeland this new edition. They are three of the best editors I have known, and they arealso three of my favorite people. Most writers are not so fortunate.I am also grateful to Dale Dougherty for starting something that I never imaginedcould become so significant, and for welcoming me as a participant.Russ Sprouse and Anthony Golin built and tested the circuits. Technical fact check-ing was provided by Philipp Marek, Fredrik Jansson, and Steve Conklin. Don’tblame them if there are still any errors in this book. It’s much easier for me to makean error than it is for someone else to find it.
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