Manual-BlueSolar-charge-controller-MPPT-75-50-EN-NL-FR-DE-ES-SE A6, ofgrid module mppt

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//-->ENNLFRDEESSEAppendixManualHandleidingManuelAnleitungManualAnvändarhandbokBlueSolar charge controller MPPT 75/501. General DescriptionEN1.1 Charge current up to 50 A and PV voltage up to 75 VThe BlueSolar MPPT 75/50 charge controller is able to charge alower nominal-voltage battery from a higher nominal voltage PVarray.The controller will automatically adjust to a 12 or 24V nominalbattery voltage.1.2 Ultra-fast Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)Especially in case of a clouded sky, when light intensity ischanging continuously, an ultra fast MPPT controller willimprove energy harvest by up to 30% compared to PWM chargecontrollers and by up to 10% compared to slower MPPTcontrollers.1.3 Advanced Maximum Power Point Detection in case ofpartial shading conditionsIf partial shading occurs, two or more maximum power pointsmay be present on the power-voltage curve.Conventional MPPT’s tend to lock to a local MPP, which maynot be the optimum MPP.The innovative BlueSolar algorithm will always maximize energyharvest by locking to the optimum MPP.1.4 Outstanding conversion efficiencyNo cooling fan. Maximum efficiency exceeds 98%. Full outputcurrent up to 40° (104°F).C1.5 Flexible charge algorithmEight preprogrammed algorithms, selectable with a rotaryswitch.1.6 Extensive electronic protectionOver-temperature protection and power derating whentemperature is high.PV short circuit and PV reverse polarity protection.PV reverse current protection.1.7 Internal temperature sensorCompensates absorption and float charge voltages fortemperature.NLFRDEESSEAppendix11.8 Automatic battery voltage recognitionThe MPPT 75/50 will automatically adjust itself to a 12V or a 24Vsystem.1.9 Adaptive three step chargingThe BlueSolar MPPT Charge Controller is configured for a threestep charging process: Bulk – Absorption - Float.1.9.1. Bulk stageDuring this stage the controller delivers as much charge currentas possible to rapidly recharge the batteries.1.9.2. Absorption stageWhen the battery voltage reaches the absorption voltage setting,the controller switches to constant voltage mode.When only shallow discharges occur the absorption time is keptshort in order to prevent overcharging of the battery. After a deepdischarge the absorption time is automatically increased to makesure that the battery is completely recharged. Additionally, theabsorption period is also ended when the charge currentdecreases to less than 2 A.1.9.3. Float stageDuring this stage, float voltage is applied to the battery tomaintain it in a fully charged state.1.10 ConnectivitySee section 3.8 of this manual.1.11 Remote on-offAll products with software version 1.13 or higher can becontrolled remotely by a VE.Direct non inverting remote on-offcable (ASS030550300). An input HIGH (V>12V) will switch thecontroller on, and an input LOW (V< 4V) will switch the controlleroff.Application example: on/off control by a VE.Bus BMS whencharging Li-ion batteries.22. Safety instructionsENDanger of explosion from sparkingDanger of electric shockNLplease read this manual carefully before the product isinstalled and put into use.This product is designed and tested in accordance withinternational standards. The equipment should be used for thedesignated application only.Install the product in a heatproof environment. Ensuretherefore that there are no chemicals, plastic parts, curtains orother textiles, etc. in the immediate vicinity of the equipment.Ensure that the equipment is used under the correct operatingconditions. Never operate it in a wet environment.Never use the product at sites where gas or dust explosionscould occur.Ensure that there is always sufficient free space around theproduct for ventilation.Refer to the specifications provided by the manufacturer of thebattery to ensure that the battery is suitable for use with thisproduct. The battery manufacturer's safety instructions shouldalways be observed.●Protect the solar modules from incident light duringinstallation, e.g. cover them.●Never touch uninsulated cable ends.●Use only insulated tools.●Connections must always be made in the sequence describedin section 3.5.●The installer of the product must provide a means for cablestrain relief to prevent the transmission of stress to theconnections.●In addition to this manual, the system operation or servicemanual must include a battery maintance manual applicable tothe type of batteries used.FRDEESSEAppendix3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
