Manual - Complete Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience, The Gateway Experience, Hemi Sync - The Gateway Experience Mp3

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Gateway Experience Manual
Published by: The Monroe Institute
Copyright 1989, The Monroe Institute, All Rights Reserved The Monroe Institute, a nonprofit
educational and research facility, is deeply interested in the progress you achieve with these
training exercises. Send your reports or requests for further information regarding the Gateway
Experience in-home program to the Gateway Experience Coordinator. To continue the
program, please contact your local distributor or The Monroe Institute.
The Gateway Experience is a system of training in personal development. It is not a form of
psychotherapy, philosophy, religion, or medical diagnosis/treatment. It is a means to acquire
knowledge. The application and results thereof are solely the responsibility of the trainee.
Gateway Experience training series is sold for private use only. Any public or commercial use
thereof without written consent of The Monroe Institute is strictly prohibited.
Caution: These tapes must not be used while driving. Use only with your doctor

s permission if
you are taking psychotropic medication or are engaged in therapy. Your doctor may call our
Professional Division with any questions. Do not use tapes with any indication of epilepsy.
Advanced Focus 10 (Discovery #3)
Adventure (Wave IV)
Bio-Body (Prospecting #2)
Brain Power
Color Breathing (Threshold #4)
Comments from Robert A. Monroe
Compoint (Adventure #6)
Discovery (Wave I)
Encoding Instructions
Energy Bar Tool (Threshold.#5)
Energy Food (Freedom #5)
Energy Walks
Exploration, Sleep (Discovery.#5)
Exploring (Wave V)
Far Reaches (Prospecting #6)
First-Stage Separation (Freedom #6)
Five Messages (Adventure #2)
Five Questions (Freedom #4)
Focus 12: Overview
Free Flow Methods of Exploration
Free Flow 10 (Discovery #6)
Free Flow 1 2 (Adventure #3)
Freedom (Wave III)
Gateway Affirmation, The
Gateway Entry
Gateway Experience, The
Horizons (Exploring #5)
Introduction to Focus 10 (Discovery #2)
Introduction to Focus 12 (Threshold #1)
Liftoff (Freedom #1)
Living Body Map (Threshold #6)
Metamorphosite (Prospecting #1)
Mission Day (Exploring #3)
Mission Night (Exploring #4)
Mission 10 (Exploring #1)
Mission 12 (Exploring #2)
Near Reaches (Prospecting #5)
Need Grounding?
Null Point (Prospecting #3)
NVC I (Adventure #4)
NVC II (Adventure #5)
One-Breath Technique, The
One-Month Patterning (Threshold #3)
One-Year Patterning (Adventure #1)
Orientation (Discovery #1 )
Out-of-Body Experience
Pathways (Exploring #6)
Plus Polarity (Prospecting #4)
Preventing and Solving Cassette Problems Problem Solving (Threshold #2)
Prospecting (Wave VI)
Questions & Answers
Release and Recharge (Discovery #4)
Remote Viewing (Freedom #2)
Required Equipment
Resonant Energy Balloon (REBAL)
Tape-Taking Recommendations
Threshold (Wave II)
Vectors (Freedom #3)
The Gateway Affirmation
I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that
which is greater than the physical world. Therefore, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to
Know, to Understand; to Control, to Use such greater energies and energy systems as may be
beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me. Also, I deeply desire the help
and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those individuals whose wisdom,
development, and experience are equal to or greater than my own. I ask their guidance and
protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated
(Note: This Affirmation has evolved over time. On some Gateway Experience tapes it may be
slightly different from the way it is presented here. Both versions will help you make the most
of your experiences. Remember, it is the intent rather than the words themselves that is
important.) Comments From Robert A. Monroe Regarding The Gateway Experience
Sometimes it

s hard to determine a beginning, the point where an idea becomes a reality. The
Gateway Programs are not in this category. We remember well when they started.
In 1973, at Whistlefield Research Laboratories, in Afton, Virginia, we were conducting
research studies on the effects of the environment on human consciousness. The Esalen
organization at Big Sur, California, famous as the birthplace of many new trends in psychology
and philosophy, heard of our work and invited us to conduct a weekend workshop at their
facility. As a result, we had many requests to repeat the process elsewhere. Our Executive
Committee approved this new activity as a means of broadening our research model – and
indeed it did.
Originally called the M-5000 Program, sessions were held on weekends at
various sites throughout the United States and Canada. Several thousand individuals from all
walks of life participated in this constantly evolving series of training exercises. When we
understood better the process taking place, we renamed it the Gateway Voyage Program –
because what we were presenting was a Gateway, a means by which the individual could move
into the exploration, knowledge, and understanding of oneself as well as the many reality
systems where one has existence.
The Gateway Experience is a special version of the Gateway
Voyage Program.
Designed for in-home application, it incorporates methods and techniques of
the Gateway, adapted so that you can benefit from it wherever and whenever you so desire.
Consisting of six exercises on tape cassettes, Discovery is the first album in this course. There
are a total of six albums (thirty-six tapes) in the Gateway Experience. Sequentially, the
remaining albums are: Threshold, Freedom, Adventure, Exploring, and Prospecting. Each tape
and album contain a specific pattern of training.
Accordingly, it is very important that you
work with them in sequence.
With in-home training, you have a definite advantage. You can
repeat each exercise until you feel comfortable and proficient with its use. Do this.
Then move
to the next.
The sound pattern you will hear on the tapes is a scientific process that helps you develop and
absorb these Gateway states of consciousness. It is not hypnosis, although some of the
techniques seem similar. The Gateway forms of consciousness show significantly different
EEG brain-wave patterns from those of hypnosis subjects. At present, there is controversy as to
what such patterns truly mean and how to categorize them.
What can you expect from the
Gateway Experience? As much or as little as you put into it. The exercises provide you with a
set of tools – how you use them and what you do with them is your responsibility. Some
discover themselves for the first time, and thus live more completely, more constructively.
Others reach levels of awareness so profound that only one such experience is enough for a
lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add an on-going adventure to their daily
activities. There is one basic promise – that you seriously consider the Gateway Affirmation at
the least a possibility: that you are more than your physical body, that you can and do exist in
energy systems that are not limited to time-space, that you can and do communicate with
intelligence beyond your physical consciousness – call it what you will.
Brain Power
The Benefits of Hemispheric Synchronization
Perhaps even before recorded history, humans have sought to understand and enhance
perception. By doing so, we are better able to understand and enhance our daily lives. The
questions surrounding how we perceive, or how we go about making sense of our awareness,
stimulate many avenues of inquiry.
One of these avenues, science, has long known that our brains are divided into two halves, or
hemispheres. In muscle functions, the nerve signals from these brain hemispheres act in an X
crossover. The left brain controls the right side of the body, and the right brain controls the left
But only in recent years has it been discovered that these two hemispheres may be quite
different in the functions they perform. Research indicates that we use the left brain pri-marily
to talk and read, do mathematics, to reason deduc-tively, to remember detail, and to measure
time, among other facets. It is the vehicle for logical, rational thought. Our right brain is the
vehicle for ideas, spatial sense, intuition, music, emotion, and probably much more than we
now realize. It apparently has a language all its own.
Moreover, most of the time we think with our left brain. When we use our right brain, it is
primarily to support the thought and action of the left. Otherwise, we often ignore it.
Since its inception, the left-brain/right-brain theory has been under controversy. To stay apart
from this unresolved conflict, our representation here is merely symbolic. Regardless of the
physical location, we apparently have at least two distinct ways of perceiving and thinking. For
the moment, the terms „left brain” and „right brain” serve only as identifying labels, or as a
We are primarily a right-handed civilization, dominated by our left brains. How did
we get this way? No one is absolutely sure, but one of the better guesses is that the left-brain
dominance came about because of a basic need to survive in a physical world. Through
thousands of years, our forebears added to left-brain dominance because that was the way to get
things done. Our entire system-books, schools, colleges and universities, industry, political
struc-tures, churches – is fundamentally left-brained in learning, application. and operation. We
have generally regarded right-brain thinking with amused tolerance, suspicion, disgust,
irritation, distrust – and awe.
However, recent studies show we use our right brain throughout our daily lives in many subtle
ways. For example, the left brain remembers the name, but the right brain remembers the face.
(How many times have you spotted a familiar face but couldn

t remember his or her name?)
Studies of world leaders throughout history indicate they were thinkers who used far more than
the analytical, intellectual portions of their minds. All great decisions by these leaders have
been made with the left brain PLUS. Plus the right brain? Evidence supports it, based upon
what we now know.
How, then, do we go about using more of our brain power? There is a
method and technique that offers much promise and potential. It can be utilized with relative
ease, does not require years of intensive training, and is not limited to a narrow band of
It is called HEMI-SYNC, which is short for hemispheric synchronization.
 Developed by The Monroe Institute, this process uses pulses of sound to create in both brain
hemispheres electrical wave forms simultaneously equal in frequency and amplitude.
The Institute was granted a patent in 1975 based upon the use of such sound pulses to induce a
frequency following response (FFR) in the human brain. The FFR demonstrates that when you
hear a certain type of sound, your brain tends to respond to, or resonate with, that sound.
Various electrical brain-wave patterns are indicators of specific states of consciousness (such as
awake or asleep). Therefore, certain sound patterns can assist you in achieving desired states of
Hemi-Sync takes the process an important additional step. Each ear sends its
dominant nerve signal to the opposite brain hemisphere, following the X pattern mentioned
earlier. By sending separate sound pulses to each ear (using stereo headphones to isolate one ear
from the other), the halves of the brain act in unison to „hear” a third signal, which is the
difference in frequencies between the two signals in each ear. For example, if you hear a sound
measuring 100 hertz (cycles per second) in one ear and another signal of 125 hertz in the other
ear, the signal your whole brain will „generate” will be 25 hertz. This third signal is the binaural
It is never an actual sound, but an electrical signal created by both brain hemispheres
acting and working together.
If the 25-hertz signal (above) is one that produces a certain type
of consciousness, then the whole brain – both hemispheres – is focused in a coherent state of
awareness. Most important, the state of awareness can be changed at will by changing the
sound pattern. It also can be learned and recreated from memory as desired.
The Hemi-Sync process already has been tested and applied in many ways:
for better sleep, stress-tension reduction, control of pain, accelerated learning, study and
concen-tration, enhanced creativity, problem solving, even for playing a better game of golf.
Furthermore, it has been one of the fundamental reasons for the success of the Gateway
Programs. The sounds you hear during the Gateway Experience exercises are characteristic of
this process.
The Gateway Experience
As are all Gateway Programs, the Gateway Experience is dedicated to the exploration and
development of human consciousness through a system of exercises using Hemi-Sync. These
exercises assist you to know and better understand your total self. They are designed so you
may learn and experience profound areas of expanded awareness.
Each exercise requires active
concentration, volition, and sometimes courage, as you move by carefully controlled steps from
deep relaxation to those thresholds of consciousness apparently related to deep meditation.
These thresholds become Gateways into different forms of perception:
states of expanded awareness, of freedom. The tapes also provide a structured environment in
which you create your own experiences, your own adventures.
Many who use the Gateway Experience, or participate in the Institute

s programs, are in search
of the out-of-body experience (OBE). This is not surprising considering the wide dissemination
of Mr. Monroe

s books and the extensive media coverage of our work in this area. One of the

s early goals was to de-velop and provide a training system in this technique.
However, as more sophisticated methods of exploration were developed, it became evident that
participants were entering discrete (distinct and separate) nonordinary states of consciousness.
These states facilitate a great deal more than the OBE.
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