Marvel Super Heroes Concrete Jungle, Podreczniki RPG, Marvel Super Heroes
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//-->CONCRETE JUNGLEConcrete Jungleis a roster book of some ofthe more notable denizens of the city: thosewho threaten it, those who protect it, andthose who seek to profit from it. FromKINGPIN™ to SPIDER-MAN™, DAREDEVIL™to BULLSEYEI™ are found within. By usingthis book along with the MARVEL SUPERHEROES™ game rules, you can createadventures for your own inhabitants of theConcrete Jungle.There are more than 50 different heroes, vil-lains, and other important people in this book.All information is given in the following order:Hero's or villain's nameReal name, if knownOccupation or titleAbility ranks and variable AbilitiesPowers and talentsBackgroundA hero's or villain's name is the name bywhich he is known to the public at large. It isusually some catchy handle for quick recog-nition or notoriety. Tyrone Johnson andTandy Bowen sound like names of kids youwent to school with, but they areknownto theunderworld as the super-powered vigilantesCLOAK™ and DAGGER™.A character's secret identity is given whenit has been revealed to the readership of theMarvel Universe, even though it may remaina secret to the world at large. Ifthecharac-ter's true name is not yet known, the notation"Real name unrevealed" is used.Occupation or title is a handy reference forthe type of work the hero or villain does,whether in or out of costume. Peter Parker isa freelance photographer as well as afreelance adventurer, while DEATH ADDER™is a professional criminal.Ability ranks and variable abilities are asdefined in the MARVEL SUPER HEROESgame, with the exception of negative Popu-larity. Normal Popularity is a hero's "goodwill" with the world at large, and measuresthe willingness of normal people to aid him asa force of good. It is, in effect, the hero's repu-tation as a hero. Similarly, a villain's negativePopularity is a reflection of his bad guy"rep": how feared he is by others. In thegame, negative Popularity is used the sameway as positive Popularity, but normal indi-viduals who cooperate with a villain do so outof fear and will seek to get away as soon aspossible.Powers and talents are tailored to the indi-vidual. Similar powers are not the result ofsimilar forces. There are many wall-crawlerswithin, each with his own method of hangingon to sheer surfaces. Both the use of a poweror talent and how it operates are explained.The background section describes thecharacter's orgins and contains informationon how the character acts and reacts withothers. Many of the characters' backgroundsare interwoven as their fates are entwined,like Daredevil and Bullseye, or GREENGOBLIN™ and Spider-Man.This is not by any means a complete list ofurban bad guys. A goodly number of addi-tional foes may be found withinNew York,New York,MHAC6. We've tried not to repeatvillains and heroes found there with twoimportant exceptions; Spider-Man and King-pin. They have received expanded entries inthis text. So make way for a whole slew ofbad guys and good guys to challenge yourheroes and add life to your campaign.Cause it's a jungle out there!Credits:Design Debonaire: Jeff GrubbEditing Extraordinaire: Barbara DeerLayout with Artistic Flair: Dennis KauthCover with Grace and Care: Charles VessBest Interiors Anywhere: Jeff Butler andthe Mighty Marvel BullpenTypography without Compare: Betty ElmoreTSR, Inc.PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION"TSR Inc.P.O.Box 756Lake Geneva, Wl 53147ISBN 394-54866-3TSR06006865XXX1501This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States ofAmerica.Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of trie material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the expresswritten consent of TSR Inc. and Marvel Comics Group. Distributed tothebook trade in the United States by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy andhobby trade by regional distributors.The names of characters used herein are fictitious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. All Marvel Charac-ters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks oftheMarvel Comics Group. MARVEL SUPER HEROES and MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright1985 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation.AllRights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Game Design copyrightr1985 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION is a trademark owned by TSR, Inc.ANACONDA™MBlanche SitznskiFreelance CriminalFighting:Agility:Strength:Endurance:Reason:Intuition:Psyche:Health:Karma:Resources:Popularity:Powers:CONSTRICTION:Anaconda's legs andarms have been bio-engineered to wraparound an opponent and constrict, in a man-ner similar to her namesake. She receives aone column shift to the right when makinggrappling attacks, and inflicts Incredibledamage with those attacks. Those grappledby Anaconda suffer a shift two columns to theleft for their attempts to break the hold.ELONGATION:Anaconda can extend herarms and legs one-and-a half times their nor-mal length, allowing her to reach the top of aone-story building without difficulty.GILLS:Anaconda is a full amphibian and canGOODGOODREMARKABLEINCREDIBLETYPICALGOODGOOD9026TYPICAL-10survive equally well above and below the sur-face of the water.BODY ARMOR:Anaconda's skin has beentoughened to withstand great oceanicdepths. She has Excellent protection fromphysical attacks and Good protection fromenergy attacks.Background:Blanche Sitznski was anunemployed steelworker from Pittsburghwho was selected by the executives of Rox-xon Oil Company to become a special agent.Blanche was biologically mutated by Roxx-on's subsidiary, the Brand Corporation, giv-ing her the ability to elongate her arms andlegs and use them to constrict her enemies.Anaconda joined SIDEWINDER™, BLACKMAMBA™, and DEATH ADDER™ in a missionto recover the SERPENT CROWN" from itsdeep-sea resting place. Sidewinder ditchedhis allies in the Serpent Squad soon after, butthe team has since regrouped, adding newmembers to form a Serpent Society.ARNIM ZOLA™Amim ZolaCriminal BiochemistFighting:Agility:Strength:Endurance:Reason:Intuition:Psyche:Health:Karma:Resources:Popularity:Powers:BIO-ENGINEERED CREATURES:ArnimZola can create artificial life which he canprogram and control. These creatures haveFighting, Agility, Strength, and Enduranceranks, but no Reason, Intuition, or Psyche.Zola constructs them as a normal scientistbuilds a robot, but with the following limita-tion: only one ability may be Incredible; oth-ers cannot exceed Remarkable, and totalHealth cannot exceed 100. A typical Zolalackey has the following abilities:FGdAExSInERmHealth100GOODTYPICALTYPICALEXCELLENTINCREDIBLEGOODMONSTROUS42125EXCELLENT-10from other donors to create close physicalduplicates, but with the above ability ranks.CONTROL:Zola's creatures answer to hiscommands, transmitted telepathically up to 10miles away, by means of the ESP box atop hisshoulders. Zola also carries a mental energyprod with a range of five areas that also trans-mits his orders. Zola may use this as a weapon,inflicting Good damage.BODY ARMOR:The form that Zola nowwears has Excellent body armor, havingbeen tailored to his own specifications.BODY TRANSFER.Zola has a number ofgenetically tailored bodies, and can switch hisconsciousness from one to another through hisESP box. Should a body be reduced to 0 Health,Zola abandons it for a replacement. Heroesdefeating a Zola body receive only half normalKarma if he escapes.Background:As a Swiss biochemist workingfor the Nazis, Zola discovered secret knowl-edge dating from the Crusades that allowedhim to make startling breakthroughs ingenetic engineering. Supported since WorldWar II by the RED SKULL™, Zola has usedthis knowledge to create monsters under hiscontrol and to design alternate bodies for theSkull and the original HATEMONGER™.This limitation is due to the weakness ofZola's initial stock. He can manipulate genesBARON ZEMO™Helmut ZemoCriminal ScientistFighting:Agility:Strength:Endurance:Reason:Intuition:Psyche:Health:Karma:Resources:Popularity:Powers:ADHESIVE X:Zemo's father, Baron HeinrichZemo, created the world's most powerful adhe-sive, Adhesive X, which bonds in a single roundwith Unearthly strength. Zemo has used thepaste in a gun with a three-area range, whichcan cover one target at a time. A solvent whichcan dissolve the adhesive has been developedby Peter Petruski (also known as PASTE-POTPETE™ and the TRAPSTER™). This solvent isin the hands of the authorities.Talents:Zemo is a master of chemistry, biol-ogy, and biochemistry. His Reason should beconsidered one rank higher than is listedabove when solving problems in these sub-jects.GOODTYPICALGOODEXCELLENTINCREDIBLEGOODGOOD4660REMARKABLE-10Background:Helmut Zemo is the son of thehated Nazi scientist Heinrich Zemo who was,with Arnim Zola, one of the top scientists ofHitler's Germany. The original Baron Zemowas responsible for the fatal flight thatclaimed BUCKY'S™ life and placed CAPTAINAMERICA™ in suspended animation formany years. The first Baron Zemo returnedto fight the revived Captain America and theAVENGERS™, but met his end in a landslideduring a battle with Captain America.Helmut held Captain America responsiblefor his father's death. He rediscovered manyof his father's inventions, including AdhesiveX. Calling himself the PHOENIX™, Zemo cap-tured Cap and suspended him over a vat ofthe adhesive. The star-spangled Avengerfreed himself and, in the ensuing battle,Zemo fell into the vat. Zemo escaped, but hisface was badly scarred by the chemicals. Forthis reason, he wears a mask similar to hisfather's.Baron Zemo maintains a diligent hatred ofCaptain America. He recently aided hisfather's old rival, the Red Skull, in the Skull'sfinal battle with the Sentinel of Liberty. In thisbattle, Zemo was gravely wounded and leftfor dead by Skull's servants. His present fateis unknown.BEETLE™Abner JenkinsProfessional CriminalFighting:Agility:Strength:Endurance:Reason:Intuition:Psyche:Health:Karma:Resources:Popularity:Powers:BODY ARMOR:Jenkins's Beetle costumeraises his abilities to the levels in parenthe-ses. The costume also provides Excellentprotection from physical damage. All of Bee-tle's powers derive from the armor, which ispowered by ambient microwaves. All micro-wave transmissions within three areas ofBeetle are jammed, and a powerful source ofmicrowaves may increase his Strength toRemarkable.WALL-CRAWLING:The Beetle suit has suc-tion cup gloves that give its wearer Excellentcontrol on vertical surfaces.FLIGHT:Beetle can fly at up to Excellent speedGOODGOODTYPICAL (EXCELLENT)TYPICAL (EXCELLENT)EXCELLENTREMARKABLETYPICAL32 (60)56EXCELLENT-10or hover in place by using cybernetically-controlled Mylar wings.ELECTRO-BITE:Using both hands, Beetlecan fire a bolt of electrical energy up to 10areas away, inflicting Excellent damage.BATTLE COMPUTER:The Beetle armor isequipped with a programable battle com-puter capable of guessing an opponent'smoves and counteracting them. This raisesBeetle's Fighting and Agility ranks toRemarkable and Intuition to Amazing againsta single opponent. The opponent must havebeen studied in advance for the fighting styleto be analyzed and programed. Jenkins oftenhas other super-foes fight a hero while herecords the battle. The battle computer hasfighting programs to battle Spider-Man,Daredevil, IRON MAN™, and Captain Amer-ica.Talents:Jenkins has some mechanical abil-ity. His Reason is Remarkable in dealing withmotors and small devices.Background:Abner Jenkins used hismechanical know-how to build a highlyadvanced suit of body armor and set out on aspree of crime. Working on his own and in thepay of others, Beetle has met and foughtDaredevil, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and thecollected AVENGERS™. Beetle recentlycompletely remodeled and updated hisarmor, making him an even more deadly foe.
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