Master math Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Teach Yourself, matma

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//-->MasterMath:BasicMathPre-AlgebraBYDebraRossCAREER PRESS3TiceRoadP.O.Box687Franklin Lakes, NJ 074 171-800-CAREER-1201-848-0310 (NJandoutsideUS.)FAX:201-848- 1727andCopyright1996by Debra AnneRossAll rights reserved under the Pan-American and InternationalCopyright Conventions. This book may not be reproduced, inwhole orinpart,inany form or by any means electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording,orby anyinformation storage and retrieval system now knownorhereafter invented, without written permission from thepublisher, The Career Press.MASTER m T H :BASICMATHANDPRE-ALGEBRACover designbyThe Visual GroupPrinted in theU.S.A.byBook-mart PressToorder this title, please call toll-free 1-800-CAREER-1(NJ andCanada: 201-848-0310)to order using VISA or Mastercard, orforfurther information onbooksfrom Career Press.Libraryof CongressCataloging-in-PublicationDataRoss,Debra h e , 1958Master math:basic mathandpre-algebra/by Debra index.ISBN 1-56414-214-0 (pbk.)1. Mathematics.I.Title.QA39.2.R6547 199696-22992513.2-dc20CIPAcknowle-entsIam indebtedtoDr.MelanieMcNeil,Professor ofChemical EngineeringatSan Jose StateUniversity,forreviewing this text for accuracy.This page intentionallyleftblank [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
