Mattogno Carlo, Żydzi
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The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews
The Journal of Historical Review
, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 261-302.
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Part I
1. 'Not a document remains, or perhaps ever existed.'
What strikes one most in the voluminous literature dedicated to the "extermination" of
the Jews is the disparity existing between so grave an accusation and the fragility of
the evidence furnished for its support.
The elaboration and realization of so gigantic an "extermination plan" would have
required a very complex organization, technically, economically, and
administratively, as noted by Enzo Collotti:
It is easy to understand that so horrifying a tragedy could not physically be
carried out by only a few hundred, or even by a few thousand, that it could not
be accomplished without a very extensive organization, benefiting by the help
and collaboration of the most diverse sectors of national life, practically all
branches of government, in other words, without the collusion of millions of
people who knew, who saw, who accepted, or who, in any case, even if they
did not agree, kept silent and, most often, worked without reacting in making
their contribution to the machinery of the persecution and the extermination.
Gerald Reitlinger underscores that:
Hitler Germany was a police state of the highest degree, that has left hundreds
of tons of documents and thousands of precious pieces of evidence.
So that, finally,
... there is, in truth, nothing that this adversary has not confided to papers. [2]
At the end of the Second World War the Allies seized
... all the secret archives of the German government, including the documents
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Army and the Navy, of the National
Socialist Party, and of the Secret State Police [Gestapo] of Heinrich Himmler.
Those archives were sided by the victorious powers with a view toward the
Nuremberg trials:
 Hundreds of thousands of seized German documents were assembled in all
haste at Nuremberg in order to be used as evidence against the principal Nazi
war criminals.
The Americans alone examined 1,100 tons of documents
from which they selected
2,500 documents.
One would expect, then, to be submerged by a flood of documents establishing the
reality of the "extermination" of the Jews, but matters presented themselves in a very
different manner, as is recognized by Léon Poliakov:
The archives torn from the bowels of the Third Reich, the depositions and
accounts of its chiefs permit us to reconstruct in their least detail the birth and
the development of its plans for aggression, its military campaigns, and the
whole range of processes by which the Nazis intended to reshape the world to
their pattern. Only the campaign to exterminate the Jews, as concerns its
completion, as well as in many other essential aspects, remains steeped in fog.
Psychological inferences and considerations, third- or fourth-hand accounts,
allow us to reconstruct the developments with a considerable verisimilitude.
Certain details, nevertheless, will remain unknown forever. As concerns the
concept proper of the plan for total extermination, the three or four principal
actors are dead. No document remains, and has perhaps never existed. That is
the secret of the masters of the Third Reich. As boastful and cynical as they
were on other occasions, they covered up their major crimes.
Since the first version of Léon Poliakov's work [8] the situation has not changed:
Despite the great harvest of Nazi documents captured by the Allies at the end
of the war, it is precisely the documents concerning the process of the
formation of the idea of the final solution of the "Jewish question" that are
missing, to the point that up until the present it is difficult to say how, when,
and exactly by whom the order to exterminate the Jews was given. [9]
The "plan for total extermination" still remains a mystery, even from the technical,
economic, and administrative viewpoint:
The technical genius of the Germans allowed them to mount, within a few
months, an efficient, rationalized death industry. Like every industry it
comprised research and development, and administrative services, accounting,
and records. Many aspects of these activities remain unknown to us, and
remain hidden by a secret incomparably more opaque than that of the German
war industries. The German rocket and torpedo technicians, the economic
planners of the Reich have survived, and have given up their plans and their
processes to the victors; almost all the technicians of death have disappeared,
after having destroyed their records.
Extermination camps had sprung up at first with rudimentary installations,
which were then perfected; who perfected them? A veritable mastery of crowd
psychology was manifested, to the end of assuring the perfect docility of the
men intended for death who were the promoters? There are so many questions
 to which, at the moment,
we can find only fragmentary, and sometimes
hypothetical, replies. [11]
Fragmentary information allows us to have an imperfect notion of the part
played by the technicians of euthanasia in the extermination of the Polish
Jews. But many points still remain in darkness; in general the history of the
Polish camps is very imperfectly known
But a systematic "extermination plan" evidently presupposes a specific order that, by
force of circumstance, can be imputed only to the Führer. Now one must set down
that this phantom-like
(command of the Führer) is submerged in the
most impenetrable blackness.
Walter Laqueur acknowledges:
To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the
European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this
order was never given. [13]
Colin Cross admits:
There does not exist then, anything like a written order signed by him for the
extermination of the Jews in Europe. [14]
Christian Zentner acknowledges:
One cannot fix the exact moment when Hitler gave the order ... without doubt
never drawn up in writing ... to exterminate the Jews. [15]
Saul Friedländer admits:
It is not known precisely when the idea of the physical extermination of the
Jews imposed itself on Hitler's spirit.
Joachim Fest acknowledged:
To the present day the question of knowing when Hitler made the decision for
the Final Solution of the Jewish question is in abeyance, and for the simple
reason that not a single document on the subject exists. [17]
The total absence of evidence permits the official historians to give free rein to the
most diverse speculations.
After having insinuated that "it is Adolf Hider in person who undoubtedly signed the
death sentence of the Jews of Europe," [18] Léon Poliakov continues:
All that we can affirm with certainty is that the genocidal decision was made
by Hitler at a time that may be set between the end of the campaign in the
west, in June 1940, and the aggression against Russia, a year later. Contrary to
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