MagPi34, Raspberry Pi

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//-->70 PAGESOF EXPERT ADVICE IN THE OFFICIAL RASPBERRY PI MAGAZINEePaper HATsFROM PI-SUPPLY.COM£300of PaPiRusThe official Raspberry Pi magazineIssue 34June A MULTIPLE-CHOICEQUIZ USING SCRATCHThe local pub quiz will never be the sameUSE YOUR RASPBERRY PIREMOTELYRaspberry PiVNCWITHdesktopAccess youron your tablet or smartphonePUT YOUR CODEINAstro Pi project.SPACE!The latest on theThere’s still time to enterWINDOWS 10ON RASPBERRY PIHow Microsoft plans to help youbuild Internet of Things devicesMAKE A PLATFORMGAME WITH PYTHONPut all your game-making skillsls insid :A>HACK A CLOCK WITH YOUR RASPBERRY PI>GET CREATIVE WITH CONDUCTIVE PAINT>MORE AMAZING PROJECTS REVEALED>4TRONIX AGOBO ROBOT REVIEWEDto work on your first full gamePut your text up in lights with our expert step-by-step guideSCROLL TEXTOVER THEUNICORN HATPluHOW TO CONNECT A PRINTER TO YOUR RASPBERRY PIWelcomWELCOMETO ISSUE 34!Around the time of its launch, I was luckyenough to visit Pi Towers to interviewEben Upton about the release of theRaspberry Pi 2. It was immediately clear to methat the Broadcom BCM2836 at the heart of Pi 2would change the way we use the RaspberryPi forever. That’s not just because the extraprocessing power and memory would transformit from a credit-card-sized PC into a fully fledgedpersonal computer, capable of all the day-to-daytasks we otherwise spend hundreds of pounds tocarry out. From the outset, it was clear that thechange in architecture would open many newdoors in terms of all-important software support.Upon learning about the new architecture, likemany I realised that Ubuntu, the Linux world’smost popular distribution (and said to be installedon some 20 million computers), would almostcertainly find its way onto the Raspberry Pi and ithas subsequently done just that. You can find ourreview of Ubuntu MATE 15.04 on page 59. Whileit currently lacks several key Pi-specific features(like GPIO and Camera Module support), it’salready proving its worth.What I didn’t bank on, though, was the arrivalof Windows 10. Whether it was short-sightednessor downright shyness, I didn’t mention it toEben at the time. Of course, it’s not the sameWindows 10 some of you will be using on yourlaptops or smartphones; Windows 10 IoT Core is avery different offering, and you can learn all aboutit in our cover feature starting on page 14.Enjoy the issue!THIS MONTH:08THE ROBOTS INVADE!See how Raspberry Pi robots are being used in the classroom14WINDOWS 10 COMES TO PI 2Find out how Microsoft wants to help you make IoT devices26GO FROM 0-100 IN THREE SECONDSIn part 4 of our game-making series we build our first full game!McMaster University turns to the Pi for some speedy calculationsRussell Barnes50MAKE A PYTHON PLATFORM GAMEFIND US IN TOUCHmagpi@raspberrypi.orgPUBLISHINGManaging Editor:Russell +44 (0)7904 766523Technical Editor:David WhaleSub Editors:Laura Clay, Phil King, Lorna LynchCritical (0)1202 399824Head of Design:Dougal MatthewsDesigners:Lee Allen, Mike KayFor advertising & +44 (0)7904 766523Publisher:Liz UptonCEO:Eben UptonWith thanks to this month’s contributors:Dave Bower, Mike Cook, Gareth Halfacree, Lucy Hattersley, Phil King, Simon Long, Sean McManus,Simon Monk, Les Pounder, Matt Richardson, Richard Smedley, Sean M TraceyandRobin Withers.The MagPi magazine is published by Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd., Mount Pleasant House, Cambridge, CB3 0RN. The publisher, editor and contributors accept noresponsibility in respect of any omissions or errors relating to goods, products or services referred to or advertised in the magazine. Except where otherwise noted,content in this magazine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). ISSN 2015 2015MaMarch3ContentIssue 34 June>EVERYDAY ENGINEERING (PT 4)30Hack an analogue clock with Dr Simon MonkCOVER FEATURE343638>COMMAND LINE PI (PT 4)Richard Smedley continues his essential series>MAKE A QUIZ IN SCRATCHDazzle your friends with this multiple-choice game>HACK RASPBIAN (PT 3)This month Simon shows us how to customise Openbox>REMOTE CONTROL WITH VNC40Access your Pi’s desktop from your tablet in easy steps!>TEXT ON THE UNICORN HAT>PRINT WITH THE PI>MIKE’S PI BAKERY (PT 2)>MAKE A PLATFORM GAMEFind out how Sean McManus can put your text up in lights42It’s a dark art, but it’s not impossible! Get started here…44465014Windows 10 for Raspberry PiGareth Halfacree talks us through Microsoft’s plans to help you build Internet ofThings devices, and how a Pi 2 robot was the star of its recent HoloLens revealThis month Mike Cook builds a Safari Adventure gameIn part 4 Sean puts all the skills you’ve learnt to the testNEWS FEATUREFirst Astro Piwinners announced!While two primary school winners willalready be getting their projects sent tospace, it’s not too late for you to enter10Robot invasion!We speak to associate professor George Dimitoglouabout how a Raspberry Pi robot is helping him teach4June nowwith a Newsstandsubscription(limited time offer)45%on your phone or tablet66REGULARS>NEWS>BOOK REVIEWSThe latest computer books reviewed and ratedKeep up-to-date with the biggest stories in the Pi communityYOUR PROJECTS6626420#HIUTMUSIC JUKEBOXFind out how a creative agency helped customers reach out to theirfavourite jeans brand with a Twitter-powered Raspberry Pi music player>COMMUNITY EVENTS>THE FINAL WORDMatt Richardson tells us of his experiences at BuildFind a community gathering near you in the coming weeks68Pocket PiGRRL22REVIEWS>4TRONIX AGOBOThe affordable Model A+ exclusive robot goes on testAdafruit’s Ruiz brothers refresh their NintendoGame Boy homage with a Model A+ twist56575859CandyPiGet a fix of tasty candy with the aid of thisRaspberry Pi-powered sweet dispenser24>KANO OS 2.0.0How does the latest release of this free OS stack up?>MEARM>UBUNTU MATE affordable and open-source robot arm from PhenoptixMcMaster EcoCARIt’s quarter the size of an F1 car, butstill reaches speeds of 150km/h!26Les Pounder test-drives a brilliant new distro for the Pi 2June 20155 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
