Maggies Crochet-The Wizard of Oz set 1 1, Zdolne rączki mam, amigurumi(2)
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//-->Puppets:StoryzbookTheWizardo{Ozsd1CROCHETPATTERNINTERMBDIATE SKILLBy:OriginalsDesigned Joy LewisStorybookPuppets:The Wizard of Oz, Set 1Dorothy, Toto, Glenda & Wicked WitchPattern#PA863An OriginalDesign JOy LewiSey:IntermediateSkill-Size:SportWeightYarn about11"tallWorstedWeightYarn- about 14"lallMaterials:SportWeight WorstedorWeightYarnydsDorothy:/z'o2,33 Pink(P);(BR);1 oz,66 ydsWhiteY+02,17ydsBrown(W);lz 02,33ydsBlue(B);smallamounts (R);LightRed(LB),Black(BL);1 PinkPom-PomBrownfor--Nose %";2MovableEyes 15 mm;YarnNeedle;Hotor CraftGlue.Glenda: o2,33ydsPink(P);/,(Y);lo oz, 17 ydsYellow % oz, 50 ydsWhite(W);(B);assortedYao2,50ydsPaleBlueBlueandWhite-/o";2 MovableButtons; PinkPom-Pom Nose1forEyes- 15 mm;YarnNeedle; or CraftGlue.HotWickedWitch'. oz, 33 ydsGreen(G);Yz(Pp);1 /" 02,99ydsBlackYzo2,33yds Purple(BL);(BR)and LightBrownsmallamountBrown(LB);-/o"l2 Green1 GreenPom-Pom NoseforAnimal- 12 mm;YarnNeedle; or CraftGlue.EyesHotGrochetHook: SizeG-6(4 mm)or sizeneededtogauge.obtainGauge:WithSportWeightYarnand G hook,4 d c = 1 "2 R o w s d c = 1 ";AbbreviationsbegchdcbeginningchaindoublecrochetSClrrDSpecialStitches(dcDoubleCrochet Decrease dec): (Yo,inserthookin nextst, yo, pulllp through, pullthroughyo,yo,2 lpson hook)twice, pullthrough 3 lpsonallhook.(scSingleGrochetDecrease dec):(lnserthookinnextst, yo, pulllp through)yo,twice, pullthrough3 lpson hook.Loop Stitch (lp st): Inserthookin st,windyarntwiceleftaround indexfinger,inserthookunderloopsonfinger,yo,drawthrough droplpsfromfinger, drawst,yarnthrough lpson hook.allGENERALINSTRUCTIONSHead (Make2)Rnd 1: Ch 2,6 sc in 2no fromhook. NOTJOINchDORNDS.MARKENDS RNDS.OF(12Rnd2: 2 sc in eachsc around. sc)Rnd 3: (Scin nextsc,2 sc in nextsc)around sc)(18Rnds4-9: Sc around, 6 sc evenlyincspaced(54sc).At endof Rnd9, sl st in nextsc. Finishoff.FinishingUSEPI CT URE S GU I DE RF I NIS H IN GAFO- UsingHotor CraftGlue,attachEyesto FaceandPom-Pom Nose.for- UsingYarnNeedle Yarn,andembroiderMouth.- UsingYarnto matchFaceor Backof Head,sewpiecestogetherleaving sts openat bottom.10Arms (Make2)Row 1: Ch 38,dc in 4th fromhook, in eachchchdc(36across. dc)Rows2-3: Ch 3 (counts firstdc),turn,dc in eachasdc across.At endof Row3. finishoff.singlecrochet(s)sl st(es) slipstitch(es)sp(s)space(s)st(s)yostitch(es)yarnoverlp(s) loop(s)reprndrepeatroundHandsLeft HandRow 1: JoinYarnwithsc in sideof laststitchworkedon Arm,workingacrossendsof Rows,work6 scevenlyspacedalongshortedgeof Arm.(7 sc)Rows2-4= 1, turn,sc in eachsc across.ChRow 5: Ch 1, turn,sCdec,sc in next3 sc, sc dec.(5 sc)Row 6: Ch 1, turn,sc in eachsc across.Row 7: Ch 1,turn,sc dec,sc in nextsc, sc dec.(3 sc)joinsArms;sl stEdging:JoinYarnwhereHandevenlyaroundHand. Finishoff.WITHSCJOININGWheninstructed joinwithsc, begintowithsl knotonhook,insertyohookin st or sp indicated, andpullupa loop,yo anddrawthroughbothloops hook.onFringeHoldstrand(s) yarnin lefthand,offoldin half;fromwrongsideof workinsertcrochethookintost;drawfoldedstrand(s)through to formloop;drawendsofststrand(s)through loopandtightenthisPage 1 of5Right HandRow 1: JoinYarnwithsc in sideof firststitchofworkRow1 of Arm,workingacrossendsof Rows,spacedalongshortedgeof Arm.(7 sc)6 sc evenlyRow2-7: Repas for LeftHand.Edging:Repas for LeftHand.BodyRnd 1: JoinYarnwithsl st in 10th of Row3 of firstdcArm(mark as Front Puppet), 3, dc in nextthisofchremaining sts unworked, in17 dc,leaving9dc10'n of Row3 of secondArm,dc in next17 dc,dcleaverem9 dc unworked;join sl st to topofwithbegch-3.(36dc)dcRnds2-10:Ch 3, turn, in eachdc around;joinwithsl st to top of ch-3.joinbottomedge;Rnd 11:Ch 1, turn,sl st aroundoff.withsl st to firstsl st. FinishDorothyHeadBR,makeoneforusingUsingP, makeonefor Face,Backof Head.Hairjoinfacing, BRwithsc in anyWithRightSideof Facescstitch, in next2 sts,(scin nextst, ch 5, sl st inscoff.nextst) 12times, in next3 sts. FinishFinishingFUSEPI C TU RA S G U ID E ORFI NI SH IN GE- Cuttwelve12"strands Brown.F,lold strands2ofasintogether attach Fringe eachof the 3 sc onandstrands Hairintoequalofeachsideof Head. Divideofbundles braid.Tie endswithshortstrandsandBlue.Trimbowsand Hairends.- Finish in GeneralDirections.aschange B, withB, dc in next3 dc, leaverem 9 ststounworked,dropB, change W, withW, dc in 1Othtodcof Row3 of Backof Arms,dc in next2 dc, rep from*dropW, change B, withB, dc intoto * twicemore,next3 dc;joinwithsl st to 3'och of begch-3.Row 2: WithB, ch 3, dc in next2 dc,dropB, changetoto W, withW, dc in next3 dc,* dropW, change B,withB, dc in next3 dc, dropB, change W, withW,to* around;join sl st towithdc in next3 dc, repfrom3'dch of begch-3.Row 3: WithW, ch 3, dc in next2 dc,dropW,tochange B, withB, dc in next3 dc, * dropB,change W, withW, dc in next3 dc,dropW,tochange B, withB, dc in next3 dc, repfrom*tojoinaround; withsl st to 3'dch of begch-3.Rows 4-9: RepRows2-3 threetimes.Row 10:WithBlue, 3, dc in samesp asjoining,ch(2 dc in nextdc) around;join sl st to 3'och ofwithbegch-3.Row 11:Sl st injoining sl st in eachdc around.sp;Finishoff.1"t Pinafore Strapjoinfacing, B withsl stRow 1: WithBackof Puppetchin Sth fromsidein Row1 of Body, 22, sc inst2nd fromhookand in eachch across.chsc,Row 2: Ch 5, turn,sl st in 2no * sc in nextst, ch 5,* st in nextsc, repfrom2ndPinafore StrapskipRow 1: On backof Puppet, 7 dc,join B withsl stchin nextdc, ch 22,sc in 2no fromhookand in eachch across.Row 2: Repas for 1" PinaforeStrap.FinishingFOUSEPICTURA S G UI DE RF IN I S H IN GE- Weavein all ends.- Usingmatchingyarn,stitchHandsandArmsleaving stsopenat top of Armsfor10together,Head.- Attachyarn.Headto Bodywithmatching- CrossPinaforeintoStraps Backand bring Front.curveandtackin placewithLayeachstrapin gentleyarn.matchingArms and HandsBack of ArmsasWcomplete inUsing for Armsand P for Hands,Directions.GeneralFront of ArmsRows 1-2:Workas for Backof Arms.Row 3: WithW, ch 3, dc in next8 dc,* dropW,change B, withB, dc in next3 dc,dropB, changetoto W, withW, dc in next3 dc, repfrom* twicemore,withW, dc in last9 dc. Finishoff.Hands in GeneralasDirections.WithP, completejoinRow 1: WithRightSideof Front Armsfacing,ofasW in firstBluest, ch 3 (counts firstdc,nowand* dropW, change B,todcthroughout), in next2 dc,towithB, dc in next3 dc, dropB, change W, withW,*to * oncemore,dropW,dc in next3 dc", repfromPage 2 of 5BasketRnds 1-4:WithLB,workas for Head.At end ofRnd4;joinwithsl st to nextsc.(At end Rnd4 therewillbe 24 sc)inRnd 5: Working backlooponly,ch 1, sc in eachwithsc around;join sl st to firstsc.Rnds6-9:RepRnd5.Handle: 1, sc in next2 sc,ch 14,skip10 sc,Chinworking eachch of ch-14, insc2 sc,ch 1,turn,off.eachch,sl st in 1'tsc. FinishBodyTotoBodyjoinRnd 1: WithBL,ch 2, 5 sc in 2nd fromhook;chwithsl st to firstsc. (5 sc)Rnd2: Ch 1,turn, sc in samesp asjoining, sc in22joineachsc around; withsl st to 1"'sc.(10sc)joinRnd 3: Ch 1,turn, in eachsc around; withscsl st to 1'tsc.(10sc)Rnds4-12:RepRnd3.Rnd 13:Working BL only, 1, sc in eachscincharound;join sl st to 1" sc. Finishwithoff.FaceRow 1: WithBL,ch 4, sc in 2no fromhook, inchsc(3eachch across. sc)Row 2: Ch 1, turn,sc in eachsc across.Row 3: Ch 1,turn,2 sc in firstsc, sc in nextsc,2 scin lastsc. (5 sc)Row 4: RepRow2.Edging: 1,workingChalongsides Rows,ofscevenlyalongsideof Face,workingalongoppositesideof begch,sc in eachch,workingalongsidesofRows, evenlyscalongothersideof Face. Finishoff.Ears (Make2)Row 1 (rightside):WithBL,ch 4, sc in 2no fromch(3hook, in eachch across. sc)scRows2-3:Ch 1, turn,sc in eachsc across.Row 4: Ch 1, turn,sc dec,sc in lastsc.Edging: 1,turn,Chworkin sc evenlyaroundallsidesof Ear;joinwithsl st to firstsc. Finishoff.FinishingUSEPI C T UR AS G U ID E ORF I NI SHI NGEF- Weavein all ends.- UseLB to embroiderEyes.- UseP to embroiderNose.- StitchFaceto frontof Body.- WithRow4 facingdown,stitchEarsto topof Head.- Cut6 shortpieces BL,attach Fringe sidesofastoof Face,trimveryshort.PlaceTotoin Basket.Glendathe Good Witch of theNorthHeadUsingP, makeonefor Face,using makeoneforY,Backof Head.HairWithY, ch 14,2 dc in 4th fromhook, dc in eachch2(ringletch acrossmade),holdingFacewithRightSidefacing, in anyst, (ch 2, sc in nextsc)sc18times, st in nextsc, ch 14,2 dc in 4th fromslchhook,2 dc in eachch across; st in samest asslprevious st. Finishsloff.Stitcheach.ringlet sideof Face,ontoattaching sts4of ringlet Face.toGrownRnd 1: WithW, ch 30;jointo 1" ch to formring,ch 3(counts firstdc, nowandthroughout), in eachasdcch around;join sl st to 3'och of begch-3.(30dc)withRnds2-4:Ch 3, dc in eachdc around;join sl stwithto 3'och of beg ch-3.Rnd5: Ch 1, turn, injoining, in next2 dc,scsc* ch 4, sc in 2no fromhook,sc in next2 ch, sc inchsamedc of Rnd4, sc in next3 sc; rptfrom* 8 timesmore,ch 4, sc in 2nd fromhook,sc in next2 ch,scchin samedc of Rnd4;joinwithsl st to 1'tsc.Rnd 6: Sl st in eachsc and in eachch around.Finishoff.Edging:JoinW withsc in anystitch oppositeonsideworkingof beg-ch,alongch, sc in nextch,2 sc innextch,(scin next2 ch,2 sc in nextch)around;joinwithsl st to 1"'sc. Finishoff.Jewels:SewBlueandWhiteButtonsontoCrowninpattern.a decorativeFinis hin gEUSEPI CTUR A S G UI DE O RF I NI S H IN GF- Finish in GeneralasDirections.- PlaceCrown Headandtackin place.onBonnetRow 1: WithW, ih 44,dc in 4th fromhookandinch(42dc)eachch across.Rows2-5:Ch 3, turn,dc in eachdc across. endAtof Row5, finishoff.FoldBonnet halfandsewtog alongbegch.inTies and TrimWithB, ch 30,withRightSideof Bonnetfacing,scaroundbottomedgeof Bonnet, 30. Finishchoff.JoinB withsl st in FrontLeftcorner Bonnet, 3,ofch(2 dc in nextdc,dc in nextdc) aroundfrontedgeofBonnet.Finish andweavein all ends.offArms and HandsBack of ArmsWUsing forArms P forHands,andcomplete inasGeneralDirections.Front of ArmsRow 1: WithW, ch 38,dc in 4th fromhookand inch(36eachch across. dc)Row 2: Ch 3 (counts dc, nowandthroughout),asturn,withW, dc in next16dc, dropW, change B,towithB, dc in next2 dc, dropB, change W, withW,todc in next17 dc.Row 3: Ch 3, turn,withW, dc in next15 dc, dropW,change B, withB, dc in next4 dc,dropB, changetoto W, withW, dc in next16 dc. Finishoff.Page 3 of5HandswithPinkas in GeneralDirectionsCompleteBodyRnd 1: JoinW withsl st in 1Oth of Front Arms,stofasch 3 (counts dc, nowandthroughout), in nextdc5 dc,dropW, change B, withB, dc in next6 dc,totodropB, change W, withW, dc in next6 dc onwithFrontof Arms,leavingrem9 sts unworked, W,dcdc in 1Oth on Backof Arms,dc in next17dc;joinwithsl st to 3'och of begch-3.Rnd 2: WithW, ch 3, turn,dc in next22 dc,dropW,tochange B, withB, dc in next8 dc,dropB, changeto W, withW, dc in next5 dc;joinwithsl st to 3'ochof begch-3.chRnd 3: JoinB withsl st in lastst worked, 3, turn,withdc in eachdc around;join sl st to 3'och ofbegch-3.Directions.Rnds4-8:RepRnds4-8as in General2Rnds9-10:Ch 3, turn, in same asjoining, dcdcspwithchin eachdc around;join sl st to 3'o ofoff.begch-3. At endof Rnd10,finishscRnd 11:JoinW withsc in lastst worked in eachwithoff.dc around;join sl st to firstsc. FinishJacket RufflechRow 1: WithW, ch 31,sc in 2no fromhookandin(30eachch across. sc)Row2: Ch 2, turn,skipnextsc,sc in nextsc,(ch2,off.skipnextsc,sc in nextsc)across.FinishRnd3: Ch 1, sc in samesp asjoining, sc in next3ch-3lp,sl st in nextsc, " sc in nextsc, 3 sc in nextwithch-3lp,sl st in nextsc, repfrom* around;joinsl st to 1" sc. Finishoff.Finis hingASFORFINISHINGUSEPICTURE GUIDE- Weavein all ends- WithY, stitchStarto Handle.- Cutfive7-inchlengths Y.of- Attachinonestrand eachpointof Staras follows:foldin half;fromHoldstrand yarnin lefthand,ofhookintost; drawwrongsideof workinsertcrochetfoldedstrandthrough to formloop;drawendsofstthisstrandthrough loopandtighten.WickedWitch of the WestHeadUsingG, makeonefor Face,usingPp,makeoneforBackof Head.HairjoinWithRightSideof Facefacing, Pp withsc in anyst, sc in next8 sc, (sc in nextst, ch 5, sl st in nextst)off.9 times, in next9 sc. Finishsc3Cut Fiftyfour9" lengths Pp. Holding strandsoftogether,attach fringeintofirstst of HairmadeonasFace. Repfor eachsc of Hairon bothsidesofHead.Trimends.HatRnd 1: WithBL,ch 30,joinwithsl st to 1't ch to formring,ch 3 (counts firstdc, nowandthroughout),aswithdc in eachch around;join sl st to 3'och ofbegch-3. (30dc)Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in next7 dc,dc dec,(dc in next8 dc,dc dec)twice;joinwithsl st to 3'och ofbegch-3.(27 dc)Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in next6 dc,dc dec,(dc in next7 dc,dc dec)twice;joinwithsl st to 3'och ofbegch-3.(24dc)Rnd 4: Ch 3, dc in nextdc, dc dec,(dc in next2 dc,joindc dec)around; withsl st to 3'och of begch-3.( 1 8d c )Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc dec,(dc in nextdc, dc dec)around;joinwithsl st to 3'dch of begch-3.(12 dc)hookin nextdc,yo, pullRnd 6: Ch 2, yo,insertlp,2through yo, pullthrough lpson hook,yo, pullthroughbothlpson hook(begdc decmade),(dcdec)around;join sl st to top of begdc dec.withlongend.Finish leavingoff,Brimedge,scRnd 1: JoinBL withsc in anyst on bottomwithin eachst around;join sl st to firstsc. (30 sc)inRnd 2: Ch 3, working BL only,2dc in nextsc, (dcjoinin nextsc,2 dc in nextsc)around; withsl st tooff.3'och of begch-3. FinishFinishingEFUSEPI C T URAS G U ID E ORFI N ISH IN G- Weavein all ends.- Usingyarn,stitchHands Armsmatchingandleaving sts openat top of Armsfor10together,Head.- Attachyarn.Headto Bodywithmatching- FoldJacketRuffle half;positioninedgesalongcuryewhereB sts meetW sts andtack in place.MagicWandHandlechRow 1: WithBR, ch25,sc in 2no fromhookandin(24eachch across. sc)sochRow 2: Foldpiece rightsideis outside, 1, scmakestsalongbegch working in boththicknesses,fold,sc alongedgeworkingstssecond3 sc acrosswithin boththicknesses;join sl st to firstsc. Finishoff.StarjoinchRnd 1: WithY, ch 2,5 sc in 2no fromhook;withsl st to 1'tsc.(5 sc)spRnd2: Ch 1, (sc,ch 3, sc)in same asjoining,*(sc,ch 3, sc) in nextsc, repfrom* 3 timesmore;joinwithsl st to 1"'sc. ch-3lps)(5Page 4 of 5
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